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Our Mission

The Nez Perce County Republican Central Committee (NPCRCC) is a private political committee organized under the laws of the state of Idaho. The NPCRCC is affiliated with the Idaho Republican Party, which is also a private political organization. The NPCRCC is the official Republican party organization for Nez Perce County.

The committee consists of precinct committeemen (PC’s), who are elected every two years in the Republican primary. Even though the PC’s are elected in a primary, they are not public officials. They are instead Republican party officials at the most grassroots level of the party – a small geographical area called a precinct. Precincts are the neighborhoods where voters in communities vote together, usually at a particular polling location.

The NPCRCC members also choose officers, many of which are PC’s themselves. The entire committee consists of the elected PC’s and officers of the organization who are not also PC’s. The main purposes of a Republican County Central Committee are:

  • To send delegates to the Idaho Republican Party convention every two years to elect state party leadership. The delegates also help shape the rules of the Idaho Republican Party and craft its platform, and they debate and vote on party resolutions. You do not need to be a member of the NPCRCC to become a delegate to the convention, but the NPCRCC chooses its delegates within 10 days of each primary election.
  • The NPCRCC also meets monthly every 4th Thursday of the month at the VFW hall 1104 Warner Ave, Lewiston, at 6:00 PM (the public is welcome at these meetings) and maintains relationships with local elected officials.
  • The NPCRCC recruits, vets, endorses and financially supports Republicans candidates for elected offices. We are looking for adherence to the federal and state constitutions and to the Idaho Republican Party platform.
  • If there is a vacancy in county elected offices, the NPCRCC has the primary role to fill those vacancies. Since the county central committee also elects people to legislative district committees, then by extension the county central committees also play a key role in filling vacancies in state legislative positions as well.

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